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Improvement of Boyer-Moore. It uses the occurrence heuristics when the mismatch occurs during the first comparison.

Appeared in:

  • [21]: Cantone, D., Faro, S.: Fast-search: A new efficient variant of the boyer-moore string matching algorithm. In: Jansen, K., Margraf, M., Mastrolilli, M., Rolim, J.D.P. (eds.) Experimental and Efficient Algorithms, Second International Workshop, WEA 2003, Ascona, Switzerland, May 26-28, 2003, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 2647, pp. 47–58. Springer (2003),
  • [22]: Cantone, D., Faro, S.: Fast-search algorithms: New efficient variants of the boyer-moore pattern-matching algorithm. Journal of Automata, Languages and Combinatorics 10(5/6), 589–608 (2005)