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Packed Belazzougui

Efficient packed string matching algorithm which works in O(n/α+occ)O(n/α+occ)-time when αmn/αα ≤ m ≤ n/α.

Appeared in:

  • [10]: Belazzougui, D.: Worst case efficient single and multiple string matching in the RAM model. In: Iliopoulos, C.S., Smyth, W.F. (eds.) Combinatorial Algorithms - 21st International Workshop, IWOCA 2010, London, UK, July 26-28, 2010, Revised Selected Papers. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 6460, pp. 90–102. Springer (2010),
  • [11]: Belazzougui, D.: Worst-case efficient single and multiple string matching on packed texts in the word-ram model. J. Discrete Algorithms 14, 91–106 (2012),